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发布者: [发表时间]:2017-09-04 [来源]:太阳集团0638 [浏览次数]:


yanan hao-3

姓 名: 郝亚楠

职 称: 教授

职 务:发展规划处副处长(挂职)

办公室: 理学楼117





1. 纳米晶钙钛矿材料制备技术;

2. 电介质材料基础理论研究:铁电材料的尺寸效应研究;

3. 电介质储能:有机/无机复合电介质薄膜.


1、 Bi K, Bi M H, Hao Y N*, Luo W, Cai Z M, Wang X H*, Huang Y H*. Ultrafine core-shell BaTiO3@SiO2 structures for nanocomposite capacitors with high energy density, Nano Energy, 2018, 51: 513-523.

2、 Hao Y N, Wang X H, et al. Significantly enhanced energy storage performance promoted by ultimate sized ferroelectric BaTiO3 fillers in nanocomposite films. Nano Energy, 2017, 31: 49-56.

3、 Bi M H, Hao Y N*, Zhang J M, Lei M, Bi K*. Particle size effect of BaTiO3 nanofillers on the energy storage performance of polymer nanocomposites. Nanoscale, 2017, 9: 16386.

4、 Hao Y N, Wang X H, O'Brien S, Lombardi J, and Li L T. Flexible BaTiO3/PVDF gradated multilayer nanocomposite film with enhanced dielectric strength and high energy density. J Mater Chem C. 2015, 3: 9740-7.

5、 Hao Y N, Wang X H, and Li L T. Highly dispersed SrTiO3 nanocubes from a rapid sol-precipitation method. Nanoscale, 2014, 6 (14): 7940-7946.

6、 Zhao Y J*, Ding C H, Hao Y N*, Zhai X M, Wang C Z, Li Y T, Li J B and Jin H B, Neat Design for the Structure of Electrode to Optimize the Lithium Ion Battery Performance. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2018, 32:27106-115.

7、 Zheng X Y, Bommier C, Luo W*, Jiang L H, Hao Y N* and Huang Y H*. Sodium metal anodes for room-temperature sodium-ion batteries:applications, challenges and solutions. Energy Storage Materials, 2019, 16, 6-23.

8、 Hao Y N*, J M Zhang, M H Bi, Z P Feng, K Bi. Hollow-Sphere SrTiO3 Nanocube Assemblies with Enhanced Room-Temperature Photoluminescence. Materials & Design, 2018, 155: 257-263.

9、 J M Zhang, Y N Hao*, Q M Wang, J C Xu, L M Guo* and K Bi*. Enhanced photoluminescence properties of SrTiO3:Pr3+ nanocrystals by the "TEG-sol" method. APL Mater. 2018, 6, 086102.

10、 Hao Y N, Wang Q M, Gao X L, Huang S G, Bi K. Frequency tunable slot-coupled dielectric resonators antenna. J Alloy Compd, 2017, 702: 664-8.